Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Voice of the Unemployed

So there's this girl, right? You're really hitting it off with her. She laughs at your jokes, she smiles when you come back from the bathroom, she hasn't said that you remind her of her brother yet. Then she asks you what you do.

Here's the thing: there's no greater boner buster than telling a girl you're unemployed.

How do we unemployed folks do it then? How will we win her heart?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Voice of the Unemployed

Make no mistake. Leaving a job is an emotional upheaval. It is a razing of your way of life, and there is precious little support to help you rebuild. Friends you once saw forty hours a week are suddenly absent from your life. Your sense of purpose evaporates, and with it your self-esteem.

Your days seem endless.

There are a lot of things I miss about my job. I reached out to the unemployed community this week to see what they missed most.